Monday, September 7, 2009

boycotting target

Had to stop at Target for a few last minute school supplies - because even though both kids had gym shoes, what they didn't have was any actual shoes to wear to school - which means Punk would show up barefoot, with his hair in a fauxhawk, smelling slightly of swamp. Not exactly the kind of first impression we need to make in a new school - and at least I can DO something about the barefoot part.

So I go to check out tops for Kooka - size 6x mind you. I have one in my hand, when I take a closer look at the sign - "Fun and Flirty."



In second grade?

Does that need to be part of their already cheapening advertising campaign? . . . "Hey six year olds - it's fall, time for phonics class, dodgeball and hooking up! What better way to catch that special someone's eye at recess, than with our fun and flirty ensembles. Add a pair of smokin' hot low rise jeans and jailbait lip gloss - and you'll never have to sit alone at lunch again."

In case you're wondering -
no, I did not buy them -
purely out of principal.
Which is too bad - because they were cute.


Melanie said...

I'm with you. Every day I am more and more appalled at the outfits marketed toward little girls - you think you have it bad with a first grader? They have the same clothes in size 4T. FOUR T!!! And just because I can't deal with it I refuse to buy Ruby a "triangle top bikini".... I mean COME ON!!! Pretty soon I'm sure I'm going to have to start making her clothes....

* said...

Me TOO! And I am a crappy sewer - Kooka is going to look like a poorly made muppet by the time I finish creating a new wardrobe.