Monday, November 23, 2009

difficult people

Punk is learning a hard lesson at school.

There are difficult people in this world - people who cannot accept responsibility for their own culpability in certain situations, people who genuinely feel that they are smarter than others, people who will judge you just to make their own agendas seem valid.

And some of those people are not students.

And to be clear - it is not his teacher either. Punk loves his teacher. We all do.

I actually had a full length post written here - a full explanation about Punk's trials at his new school. But I have decided that the ramifications of printing the truth may have consequences for my younger child, who as of this writing is still at the school. (It isn't her teacher either - we absolutely adore her).

So I am moving this post to the private blog - and if anybody really wants to know what's going on - feel free to ask.

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