Sunday, September 2, 2007

my least favorite field trip

We'll do almost anything in the name of education, and today was the Renaissance Festival.

Did I mention I hate the Renaissance Festival?

It is always hot and crowded and dusty and expensive. But Punk loves the elephants, the secret garden "fairy trail", and the guy that insults people. Kooka loves the "real" queens, the unicorns, and the fairy trail. So we go.

We pretend it's educational. We pretend that this is our first day of school - brushing up on our history. Kooka makes a magic wand at "Frogwarts" magic school. Both kids ride an elephant. Punk hunts for fairies in the secret garden. Kooka blows kisses to all of the queens and princesses, who blow them back. Aaron and I spend $20 on one Turkey Drumstick, two root beer floats and a bottle of water. Our money is history - that's about as authentic as it gets.

But Kooka wins the costume contest for the day (along with a very cool pirate and purple fairy), Punk gets to hand-feed an elephant, both kids ride the elephant, they clamber through the secret garden, Kooka learns to stand up for herself, and we all lament the lack of air-conditioning.

I ask the kids if they 'd like to live in the Renaissance period. They both shout, "NO!" They tell me it's too hot and noisy and crowded. Plus the people are rude and the bathrooms are revolting . . . hmmm maybe they did learn something after all.

Punk watching the elephants

Kooka with the other winners of the costume contest


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on winning the contest, Kooka. How come your mom, dad and brother didn't dress up? Maybe you should try that next year. I bet both of you loved the elephant ride. Good luck with the start of school. I hope you get a good teacher this year :)

Anonymous said...

What do mean Treats? I did dress up - I wore one of those gypsy/belly dancer suits - you can borrow it when you go. But if you wear it, you'll have to speak in a fake English accent all day (becase as anyone at the RenFest will tell you - all gypsies are from Brittain.)

Aaron would be happy to lend Paul his shirtles tattooed pirate ensemble - it comes complete with 2-inch lip rings and an unwashed kilt.