Monday, September 24, 2007

the big test

Punk has his first test tomorrow. He is taking the PIAT (peabody individual achievement test), which tests people in six basic areas - math, reading, history/geography, science, general knowledge, and spelling/language. He's been evaluated by individual teachers before, but this is his first ever standardized test, and we are both a little nervous.

Punk is nervous because he likes being smart and is worried that if he doesn't do well on the test, that people won't think he's smart anymore.

I am nervous because everything we've done (or haven't done) for the past three years is going to be judged by a complete stranger. Someone we don't know is going to walk into our house and tell us if we've made the right decision or not. It's a little unnerving. Punk is taking the test, but it's both of us who are being evaluated. Wish us luck.