Friday, August 29, 2008


I would be lying if I didn't admit that I miss homeschooling already. Nobody is actually IN school yet, but already I can't stand it. All the stuff we ordered for this year is sitting in box on the couch - and it is the coolest stuff - solar powered robot kits, election games, city planning kits from JA - it was going to be a great year.

But now I am sending them both away. Their teachers seem nice enough, both kids are somewhat excited about the adventure (though Punk says he is SURE he will lose an entire year of intelligence), so why am I so grumpy about it?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Punk's message

This is sooooo cool . . . .it is merely a rough draft of what they are working on, and only the very beginning - but it is a start of Punk's PSA about water. It's not Speilberg or anything - no 3D effects or computer generated dinosaurs, but it is so very Punk. Hearing his voice over the nature film almost made me cry, because I know how important the environment is to him. If you click the links on the page after the video - Punk introduces a new concept or game to the kids - it's pretty sweet. Since this is just a draft, I don't know how long this will be up - but here is your chance to check it out:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

the scoop

I have been keeping this mum for a while . . . in great part, because I was not sure how I felt about it. . . but at the risk of being accidentally found out, I need to say it here:

Punk is going to public school. He is not thrilled about it - and I am even less so, but it is necessary . . . because I will be teaching someone else's kids.

It feels kind of weird to be hired as a real teacher, I'll be working at a private school, teaching dance in their arts program. It is the perfect gig for me - and a free $130,000 private school education for each of my kids once they reach 6th grade . . . IF that is what we choose.

And I am not sure what we will decide to be quite honest. I still consider us homeschoolers - and this is just another adventure for us. Who knows how long it will last.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

the luckiest girl

She was beautiful in her little turquoise dress. Her talent portion was spot on - and her interview was incredible . . . she did the best she can do . . . and she lost. So why is it that she is the luckiest girl?

Because when she hopped off stage, she had almost 20 people there, hugging her, hi-fiving her - and it gets even better.

Later that night, when she went to the older girls coronation, she got so many compliments on her singing (which by the way - was a thousand times better today than the practice video) - total strangers coming up to her, complimenting her, telling her how talented she is. And then there was this one princess - from Lakeville I think. She stopped Kooka after the show and said, "I have to tell you something - your singing was amazing - it was the best part of the show."

Kooka smiled with a dutiful "Thank you," which left the unspoken 'thanks but I still lost' hanging in the air.

And then this princess, kneels down and says, "You know - I'd rather be the most talented girl in the room, then be the one wearing the crown."


"Because at the end of the year - that other little girl is going to have to give that crown back."

Kooka thought about that all the way to the car. And by the time she sat down she was grinning ear to ear. "Mom, do you really think I was the best talent there?"

"Hands down Kooka - and not just because I am your mom. I do this for a job - you were the best one."

"Then I am glad," she said, "These flowers will get all withered up, and this paper program will probably get lost, and when the year is over you can't be the princess anymore . . . but I will never ever have to give up my talent, or my singing or my dancing. I will never have to give up being a good friend."

Thank you Princess Lakeville - wherever you are . . .you gave my little princess sweet dreams and renewed her confidence. You earned that goodwill ambassador crown tonight.

Friday, August 15, 2008


This is Kooka's Mary Poppins practice . . . . it is mine too, I have never uploaded video before - hopefully it works.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

cat out of the bag

I suppose it is about time . . . not that we are ashamed of the fact, lots of people do it, but there is a very strange feeling about finally announcing this:

Kooka is going to public school.

This was completely her idea, and for the record I have been more than supportive. Personally, I loved school and all it entailed - school shopping, student council, sports, projects. I think Kooka will love it too.

But man I will miss that kid.

Stay tuned for the diatribes to follow . . . because even though I am 100% behind this experiment - even though I just consider it another homeschooling experience - much like a trip to the zoo, I have puh-lenty to vent about already . . . and class doesn't even start for another three weeks.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

what the . . . ?

What is this?
It was on the swingset at an event Kooka had to go to.
Kids were going crazy for this thing - and every single one of them looked like they were riding piggyback on an a-bomb to Hiroshima.

Seriously - what is this?
And who puts this kind of stuff on a kids swingset?

six days

Less than one week before Kooka's big day. She has already planned her talent portion for next year - she is prepared - but still, she is Kooka, and she is so hard on herself.

She's had a great time with all of the other candidates, and is very excited to perform her Mary Poppins song. Her accompanist is amazing, her friends will be there to watch, and there will be cake afterwards - so it promises to be a pretty good day no matter what.

Here are the details, if you care to join us:

2:00 - 4:00pm: Coronation at the Middle School Auditorium (We still have tickets if you need them)

Cake and tea afterwards at our house

7:00: Queen's coronation


This is what summer looks like for us . . . .
Big dives in Katies pool for Kooka.
As many amphibians as Punk can hold.
Thankfully, we have discovered that bullfrogs are an invasive species. It's illegal to harbor one unless you intend to use it as bait.
Punk is harboring one. He says it is bait for making friends.
He's found six so far this year - only managed to catch one, but it is soooo much cuter than the two toads he insists on keeping.

These are the very best days of all - when he is nine and she is six, and we are all so lucky. (Well all of us except that bullfrog who's new home is sitting on top of Punks dresser).