Sunday, November 2, 2008


The video does not do it justice. When darkness fell, and the fog machines started up, the red lights were glowing in the graveyard, and Kooka was passing out chicken bones and peeled eyeballs for treats, then the fun really began.

They are lucky to have a dad who is so talented, neighbors who are willing to look the other way, and each other to share their fiendish plans with.

The video is OK - but really, you HAD to be there.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed it! Medea and Schroeder both had parties to attend, so Mr. Treats and I were left to answer the door and drive teenagers here and there. I hope you have even more pictures to share!


Naomi said...

Wow!! That's great! I hope you had as much fun as it looks like the kids did:)