Tuesday, June 30, 2009

life of crime

Apparently, I have been leading Kooka to a life of crime.

This was taken from the police report in the local newspaper:

Graffiti was written on a sidewalk with chalk in the block of L.Parkway

Are you KIDDING ME?! Fricking CHALK?! On the sidewalk?!

It was probably us.


Kooka's hopscotches are truly works of art. But Punk has a more "calvin and hobbes" approach to street art . . .screaming monsters, FBI chalk outlines, signs that say "run me over" - you get the picture.

However, I am pretty sure that there was some crack being sold somewhere, a drunk driver on the road, or maybe even some petty larceny going on at Target at the same time this grafitti was being inspected.

I, for one will sleep better knowing that the police are on top of this - bout time somebody cracked down on these loosers.


Melanie said...


Treats said...

My favorite part of the Nfld paper is the police report. Some favorites are:
-the woman who reported that fast food wrappers were put in her mailbox. The police advised her to dispose of them.

-a ferret was found roaming near C. College. It was dispatched to Doc Garlie's office.

-the time my name came up in the police report for speeding which cost me $120 and 8 hours of ding-dong driving school. Ugh.

* said...

The last one was my favorite too!