Monday, July 20, 2009


Crazy. This show was completely crazy.

Don't get me wrong - the whole thing was wonderful. Punk and I had an AMAZING time working on Bye Bye Birdie. The cast was so much fun - smart, sarcastic and supportive - not to mention talented. For four months Punk had two moms, two dads and two sisters - (though his stage version was slightly more dysfunctional). Kooka got to hang out with some of the coolest teenagers in town, and I began to remember why I love my job.

But, still, having said all of that, it was still over the top - crazy over the top.

The show sold out - not just one night - every single night. This is a pretty rare occurrence for summertime community theater. I mean - we're good (really good actually), but still - it was almost creepy how badly people wanted to see this show.

We offered eight jump seats per night, and people were lined up three hours before the show started to get one. It was like the Michael Jackson's Victory Tour. No lie - there was a lady sitting outside with a pillow and blanket - wouldn't be surprised if she had camped out all night to get in. Another group of people asked if they could pay triple the price for the one remaining seat, and have three people sitting on laps. Seriously?!! On LAPS?! By that point you wouldn't even be able to see - what would be the point just to say you were there - like Woodstock?

And the post show was no less weird. Actually some some lady my age came up to the ticket booth and ask, "So - Conrad Birdie - what's he like in real life?" The lady taking tickets didn't really even know how to respond - can't say that I blame her.

Anyway - aside from the borderline mania at the box office, the show was amazing.We are so lucky to have spent the summer with our old friends, and met so many new ones too.

Punk's pics were taken in the greenroom and afterwards at the meet-and greet - where I am reminded daily - the MacAffees always stood together.

Contrary to how it looks - Punk ADORES the guy in the green shirt (we'll call him Maude). Maude taught Punk how to take a fake punch - and all kinds of dirty jokes that hope I will probably never hear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great performance!!