Sunday, September 30, 2007

the outdoorsy type

Aaron and I are outdoors people - really we are. I was a camp counselor for two years. We can both build a raging bonifre, set up a tent, and have been known to hike for miles just to see a waterfall. We actually named our firstborn after one of the greatest outdoorsmen ever.

But we are nothing compared to Punk. His favorite place in the whole wide world is the Amazon Rainforest (even though he's never been). His second favorite place is the arb at Carleton. The same kid who used to be terrified of the balance beam in baby gymnastics, runs across logs that span a rushing river. He walks nearly barefoot through leechy puddles, crawls through tick infested ivy, chases snakes and captures small amphibians without ever being stung, bit, or even clawed. He is the crocodile hunter in miniature.

I don't know how he does it. Maybe someday he will marry Bindi the Jungle Girl, and he can live the life of his dreams - snuggling venomous animals and never having to change his shirt.


Anonymous said...

Someday I'd love to go to the arb with you. How I love to experience the arb is on the walking paths. I haven't ventured off the path. If you can handle my "eeeewwws" and squeals if anything creepy or crawly appears, I'd love to see one of your favorite places.

I miss you and Kooka!

Anonymous said...

We miss you too. And you can come to the arb with us anytime.

Kooka and Punk

Anonymous said...

I don't suppose that my sweet little dog would be safe in the areas that you go. Maybe something slithery or creepy would devour her. Perhaps I should leave her home! I'm leaving this morning for three days and will hope that we can meet later this week...because too long without Punk and Kooka is not a good thing to do to yourself!