Saturday, June 2, 2007

taking matters into his own hands

I woke up on Saturday to find Punk in the kitchen, his math book in his hand. "Here," he says, "I woke up this morning and finished second grade."

Saturday is a holy day in the land of Punk - a day for cartoons and legos, and hammocks and wearing your jammies until you spill your lunch on them. I must be dreaming. Even on our best day, Punk would never, voluntarily crack open his math book.

"I wanted to be done," he says, "I mean - done with the boring stuff, I still want to study in the summer, but just good stuff like science and reading and history."

I'm still just staring at him.

"You better check it," he says, "If it's wrong, I'll probably have to do it over."

It's not wrong - every single problem is right.

I tell him he got an A+.

A shout comes from his bedroom, "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty I'm free at last!"
Now that sounds like my kid.


Anonymous said...

Way to go, buddy! Third grade is must be proud of yourself with an A+. What are you going to read this summer? I can't wait to hear. See you Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Wait til he hits calculus! Maybe that will slow him down :) Love Anut Heidi xox

Anonymous said...

Yeah, "Free at last"... until 3rd Grade! ;)

And you know there is a total of 12 right? (Though you are smart enough to skip at least one or two of them. I recommend skipping 6th and 10th grade. They are a waste of time).

Good work and happy birthday to the two short ones there!

-Uncle Brian