Thursday, February 14, 2008

the coupon

Did I even MENTION . . that when he got home, Aaron received a COUPON for Spa Bonita?
Hand made "fancy clothes - fancy you - good for one dollar off."

And wait just a MINUTE . . . why did he get a coupon for half off, while I paid full price, plus tip?

It was because (as Punk so delicately put it), "Let's face it Mom, it takes a lot more work to make you look good than it does Dad."


Anonymous said...

Quite frankly, I think A. should have cost more...he has more facial hair than you, skin isn't quite as soft, etc. etc. Perhaps since he paid less, you should post his pictures. I'm sure he was very pretty afterwards!

Melanie said...

As long as Daddy gets the makeup treatment I'm happy with the coupon!!!!

Anonymous said...

He got 70's mirrored sunglasses and a tie, that's it

Anonymous said...

Nice. Thanks Treats.