Saturday, December 20, 2008

party time

I went to the kid's Christmas parties at school.

Kooka's class planned to decorate cookies and watch a movie.

Punk's class played games.

When I asked Punk which game he wanted to bring from home he had this to say:

"Hmmm. Imaginiff. Oh yeah - and I I forgot to tell you, Mr. D says we are supposed to bring a game, but we are also supposed to bring, beer, cigarettes and lots of junk food."

"Really? I didn't see that on the note."

At this point Kooka begins scanning her own teacher's note and mutters, "Hmmmm, I don't think the first grade is having that kind of a party."

She was right - first grade was much more classy - daiquiris, chocolate martinis and caviar.


Anonymous said...

J- I'd like to know which crowd you fit in more with. The rowdy, beer drinking crowd or the more refined, champagne sipping group?


Melanie said...

Wow! Can "auntie" Melanie attend Punk's next school party? That is right up my alley.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you and your beautiful family a Merry Christmas! Sending lots of peace, joy and blessings.