Sunday, January 31, 2010

difference of opinion

We thought Punk needed glasses, so while we were waiting for the verdict, we hung out in the lobby looking over his optical options.

I picked out a pair of silver, circular, wire-rimmed glasses - not unlike Harry Potter, or the kid in Jerry McGuire. Simple, classic -a good look for a kid like Punk.

I hand them to him and say "What about these?"

Without missing a beat, with all of the fake excitement he can muster - he looks me right in the face and says, "Wow, thanks mom - can we get some moustache wax to go with those?! Because I think they'll look great with the handlebar moustache I've been trying to grow out."

The two sixty year old guys behind him busted out laughing. I had absolutely nothing to say.

And I still stand by the fact that they looked way better than the 1980's giant retro-tortoise shells he liked.

He says he looked like a combination of Teddy Rooseveldt and Doc the Dwarf.
Thankfully the doctor said, that although his vision in one eye is weird - he really does not need them anyway.

1 comment:

Treats said...

Way to go, Punk. Gotta keep your mom on her toes!