Monday, August 20, 2007

to homeschool or not to homeschool

. . . that is the question. For those of you who have been privy to my emotionally crippling, obsessive concern about the upcoming academic season, you will be pleased to know that we have finally reached a decision. After months of wavering between continuing to homeschool, and sending both kids to public school, we've decided to continue homeschooling for now.

There was really no good reason for us to change course anyway, excpet that Kooka is five, and we had always planned on re-evaluating when she was kindergarten age.

The clincher came when Kooka said, "I think I'd like to go to public school." We told her that she could if she wanted, and asked her why. She said, "Well I'd really like a challenge - you know, I want to learn about French history, and really work on some harder math. I'm also really interested in plants. I mean, I get that they grow from seeds, but I'm curious about how the cells actually split and how some know to become roots and some know to become leaves and stuff."

I told her that I would be happy to help her with that if she wanted, but that French history was not likely to be broached until second semester of public school kindergarten, and that cellular mitosis might not be on the table until at least second grade.

So I guess for now, we will stick with the plan. Wish us luck.


Melanie said...

You DO realize that you've created your own little, over-achiever brainiac monsters, don't you? :)

Anonymous said...

Uh oh....I think someone's getting smarter than me!