Thursday, June 26, 2008


Recognize this old man?
It's Punk.

The asian girl is Kooka.
They've both been morphed. Punk was aged aged about 70 years on my new favorite website: face of the future.

You can also turn yourself into a drunk, an ape, a baby, a cartoon, a teenager - it's amazing! Punk as a teenager made me more than a little sad - but I am happy to report that he is a handsome dude. Kooka looked pretty good in everything - except the old lady get-up. Go check it out for yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How come his teeth still look like they are waiting for all the baby teeth to be replaced by permanent teeth? :-) or maybe he has already lost some of his teeth due to a sugar overdose! (for 70 years) Just kidding punk....i know you love sarcasm! i don't need a sight like this...I just look in the mirror! Yup- it's scary...Gram S