Monday, July 16, 2007

earning his keep

Not all beagles are like Snoopy. Kooka learned that the other day, when a leashless beagle charged her while on an evening stroll. Ozzy, who until this point has cared about absolutely nothing except who is throwing his frisbee, or pouring his next meal, surprised us both with unsuspected guard dog powers. He stayed between the beagle and Kooka, taking about six bites in the ribs and back in the process, but he wouldn't let him near her. He managed to hold the beast off, until the owner finally sauntered over shouting, "Barney stop!" She then explained that he didn't like children. (So, um, maybe don't leave your mentally disturbed animal unleashed in a yard that adjoins a public PARK!) She then said that she'd "hold onto him until we left."

I don't know what happened to the family that was behind us: Mom, baby in stroller, Dad, two kids on tricycles. There's no way they all made it out alive.

Good thing we had Ozzy.


Anonymous said...

I think the beagel and the owner both deserve a swift kick in the behind, or maybe the head. Not bad for a mut.

He who shall pick up the backyard.

Anonymous said...

Yaaaa Ozzzy!!!
I knew he was good for something besides being cute.

-uncle b