Thursday, July 5, 2007

gym rat

Kooka says: My gymnastics club is really fun. The teachers there are really, really, really nice. I like to do bear walks on the bars, pike jumps on the trampoline, and grapevines on the balance beam. I really love my velvety costume too. It fits me just right. Being in gymnastics makes me feel strong - like I can do anything I want.

Mom says: Even though you must sign a waiver saying that you understand death is a possibility when participating in this sport, it still seemed like a much safer option than "fitness club."
(see earlier post)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Bear Walks"!? Sounds tough. I can't wait to see that. All that gymnastic training will come in handy when decide to dedicate your life to fighting crime as a superhero.

-Uncle B